What Causes Lack of Energy When There’s No Sun?

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Have you ever noticed how happy and energetic you can be when waking up due to sunlight? Or the low energy levels and depressive thoughts you can get when there’s no sun at all and the sky is grey? This actually makes more sense than you might think. The sun has a significant impact on us, especially on mood and energy levels. Find out what impact does sun have on our mood and energy levels, and why do we have less energy on a grey day. 

How does sunlight impact mood and energy levels

1. Mood regulation

  • Sunlight stimulates the production of serotonin which is responsible for our wellbeing. 
  • Higher serotonin levels are associated with higher energy levels and better mood. 

2. Promotes alertness

  • Sunlight exposure in the morning prevents the production of melatonin, the hormone which is responsible for sleepiness.
  • This helps people feel more awake and alert. 

3. Primary source of vitamin D

  • Sunlight exposure helps maintain vitamin D levels, which is known to improve mood and energy levels.

4. Regulates cardiac rhythm

  • Sunlight is known to regulate the cardiac rhythm, which is in charge of the sleep-wake cycle. 
  • This improves sleep quality and leads to daytime alertness. 

5. Positive psychological effect

  • Sunny weather can boost mood and motivation, which leads to more physical activity.

Why do we have less energy on a grey day?

  1. The absence of sun can decrease serotonin levels and lead to depressive thoughts and fatigue. 
  2. Reduced sunlight can increase melatonin levels and cause sleepiness.
  3. Lack of sun exposure on longer term can cause vitamin D deficiency, which is linked to mood disorders and even depression. 
  4. More grey days in a row can disrupt the cardiac rhythm, which causes daytime drowsiness. 
  5. All of the above can cause feelings of sadness and decrease energy levels. 


Sun exposure can promote better mental health and motivation. It helps regulate our sleep-awake cycle, increases serotonin levels, and supports vitamin D synthesis which is crucial for maintaining wellbeing and energy levels. Lack of sunlight over a longer period of time can negatively impact our mood, mental health, motivation, and energy levels. Therefore, if you live in a country which lacks sunlight, it might be useful to acquire a light therapy lamp which mimics sunlight. Click here to see a great light therapy lamp!

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