The Theory of Goal Setting: How to Make it Work

setting goals

Goal setting theory explains how setting goals can impact your overall performance. Having a goal can help you ignore irrelevant activities and direct your efforts towards actions which will contribute to achieving your goal (1). It can increase motivation, improve performance, and help you work harder. However, if focusing on the outcome solely, it can create emotional attachment and lead to disappointment (2). Therefore, is really important keep in mind the following tips in order to set goals effectively and achieve optimal results.

How to set goals effectively

To ensure that your goals won’t lead to disappointment, is very important to consider setting realistic goals that are achievable considering your resources and other limitations.

1. Write down what you aim for

  • Don’t set goals which are not meaningful to you.
  • Understand what will really motivate you to work hard and never give up.
  • The steps towards achieving your goal should be enjoyable to you, think about what it takes to get where you want.

2. Break down larger goals into smaller

  • If you have a lifetime goal, think about every step that you should take to achieve it, these are your smaller goals.
  • Structure your goals wisely, you should not expect to achieve them all at once.
  • Ideally, your smaller goals should look like a plan towards achieving your main goal.

3. Do not set deadlines

  • Many authors can argue this point, however deadlines can cause unnecessary stress and lead to disappointment if not met.
  • Instead of setting deadlines, you should ensure that your daily to do list includes actions necessary to be taken for achieving your goal.
  • Avoid procrastination, click here to find out how to stop procrastinating.

How to achieve optimal results without getting overwhelmed

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you have so much going on and the path towards your goal becomes full of obstacles. But you should understand that there is no easy path, every successful person had to overcome obstacles at some point and that’s what actually contributes to reaching your final destination. Therefore, take notes:

1. Do not focus on the outcome

  • Be present, enjoy your path towards your goal because that’s what really matters, you will have time to enjoy the outcome when you get there.
  • Celebrate your progress, every minor achievement and be grateful, this will boost motivation and keep you on a positive note.

2. Be consistent

  • Remind yourself daily about the importance of your goals.
  • Ensure that every day you work on your goal and enjoy it, consistency is key.

3. Review your progress

  • Monitor your performance at least every week.
  • Make adjustments if necessary, remember that not everything works according to the plan and that’s fine.
  • Reward yourself when you achieve a milestone.

4. Don’t give up

  • If you have an obstacle which seems impossible to overcome, remember that there is always a solution.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek support, even if you don’t have many friends you can always find likeminded people, especially nowadays with the power of social media.
  • Stay confident, never doubt yourself, be your number 1 supporter!


By following these steps, you are one step closer towards achieving your goal. Remember to be consistent and enjoy every day that you work on your goal. When you feel lost, think about the importance of your goals and ask for help if necessary. You can do this!

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