The Negative Effects of Ice Cream: Great Healthy Alternatives

ice cream

Ice cream is everyone’s favourite summer dessert. However, if consumed on a regular basis or in large quantities, it can have some negative impacts on your health. Dive in to find out why ice cream is considered unhealthy, and what are the healthier alternatives. 

Why is ice cream considered unhealthy

1. High in calories and sugar content

  • Ice cream contains a lot of calories in a small volume, which can lead to weight gain. 
  • Ice creams are loaded with added sugars which can increase the risk of dental problems and diabetes.
  • Click here to find out what are the negative impacts of sugar.

2. High in saturated fats

  • The high fat content in ice cream can raise your bad cholesterol levels (LDL), which leads to heart disease. 

3. High glycemic index 

  • This can cause spikes and crashes of blood sugar levels, which can trigger the feeling of hunger and lead to overeating. 

4. Artificial additives 

  • Most commercial ice creams contain artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives.
  • The impacts of this can vary from person to person.

5. Lack of nutrients 

  • Ice cream can contain some vitamin D and Calcium. However, it lacks other nutrients found in healthy foods and can’t meet nutritional needs.

What are the healthiest alternatives to ice cream

1. Frozen yogurt

  • Is made of fermented milk which contains live friendly bacteria (probiotics). 

2. Nice cream

  • It’s made of blended bananas, a good source of magnesium, potassium, and fibre. 

3. Frozen smoothie

  • Smoothies are made with fruits, therefore contains all the vitamins from the fruits in use. 
  • Tip: You can freeze the smoothie in silicone popsicle molds to feel more like an ice cream. 


Ice cream can be part of a balanced diet if consumed in moderation. However, is best to opt for a healthier alternative if you fancy enjoying it on a regular basis.

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