Overcoming the Fear of Failure: Embracing Growth

The fear of failure is a common concern that can manifest as self-doubt, anxiety, and procrastination. Studies identified that women fear failing more than men, because they feel pressured to become a successful woman and debunk gender stereotypes (1). However, living in fear can prevent you from pursuing new opportunities and take risks. Therefore, we are here to help you overcome the fear of failure and take another step towards success.

What causes fear of failure?

The first step towards overcoming the fear of failure, is to understand what exactly causes it. Of course, everyone’s fear of failure can be caused by different factors. However, we identified most common causes:

1. Previous failures

  • Past experiences can leave a long-lasting impact, resulting in fear of similar outcomes.
  • Acknowledge that failing is normal, it happens to everybody, failure is the pillar of success.

2. Public opinion

  • Expectations from society, family, and friends can raise the fear of failure and not satisfying their standards.
  • Acknowledge that everyone’s definition of success is different, and you should only focus on your own. There will always be likeminded people who will encourage and support you.

3. Lack of confidence and low self-esteem

  • A lack of confidence can make you believe that failure is inevitable to you.
  • Click here to find out how to improve your confidence and self-esteem.

How to overcome the fear of failure

You need to understand that you cannot strive for success and fear failure. Consider overcoming the fear of failure as the first requirement for achieving your goal.

1. Redefine failure

  • Instead of looking at failure as a negative outcome, view it as a learning opportunity that contributes to personal growth.
  • Acknowledge that failure is part of success. It does not necessarily mean that you will fail, however there are many famous people who achieved greatest success after failing.

2. Reflect on success

  • Remind yourself of times when you succeeded, even if that was in your childhood it’s still Your success.
  • Your every achievement is a success, wether that is learning a new language, completing your to do list, or having a good day, you succeeded!

3. Set realistic goals

  • Remind yourself what do you aim for, and plan accordingly.
  • Click here to find out how to set goals and achieve optimal results.

4. Take action

  • Force yourself to take action every day towards your dreams. By doing so, you will increase your self-esteem and eventually enjoy it.
  • Focus only on the process, not on the outcome, it’s very important to be present.
  • Remember, a small step in the right direction is better than several big steps in the wrong direction.


The fear of failure is a natural experience, but it shouldn’t prevent you from pursuing opportunities. Identify what makes you fear failure, and follow our steps for overcoming it. “Every setback is a setup for a comeback!” – Joel Osteen

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