Outstanding Benefits of Having a Protein Shake Before Bed

Pink protein shake berries. Protein Shake Before Bed.

Familiar with cravings of something sweet before bedtime? Of course, everyone experienced that, but we also know how bad it is for your health to eat sugary snacks, especially before sleep. But let us introduce to you a better solution – protein shake. 

Many people believe that having a protein shake before bedtime can lead to weight gain. However, many researches discovered that a protein shake before bed can provide additional health benefits.

The Benefits of Having a Protein Shake Before Bed

  • Casein protein before sleep can increase the metabolic rate the next morning (2).
  • It can reduce appetite the next morning (2).
  • Could potentially reduce body weight over time (2).
  • May improve athletic performance (3).
  • Can improve sleep quality (3).
  • It helps muscle repair and growth (4).
  • Can reduce muscle inflammation and soreness (4).

Who Should Avoid Protein Shakes Before Bed?

A research has discovered that overweight people who have a sedentary lifestyle should avoid protein shakes before bed, because it can increase their insulin levels the following morning and potentially lead to weight gain (1). Moreover, people with digestive problems should consult a doctor or nutritionist before deciding to include protein shakes in their diet (4).

Recommended Amount of Protein Before Bed

The required amount of protein can vary depending on factors such as activity levels, height, and weight. However, most studies available recommend to consume between 10-40 grams of protein before bed (1)(3)(4).


Consuming a pre-sleep protein shake can have several benefits, including improved athletic performance, weight loss, and improved sleep quality. However, it is important to consume the amount of protein required according to your body type and lifestyle. Moreover, you should consult a doctor or a nutritionist if you have certain health conditions to avoid complications. 

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  1. Bowling, N.: Protein Before Bed to Gain Muscle, https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/protein-before-bed#who-benefits
  2. Durand, R.: WILL A CASEIN SHAKE BURN MORE CALORIES?, https://evidencebasedmuscle.com/will-a-casein-protein-shake-before-bed-burn-more-calories/
  3. What Are the Benefits of a Protein Shake Before Bed? | The Protein Works, https://www.theproteinworks.com/thelockerroom/what-are-the-benefits-of-a-protein-shake-before-bed/
  4. Should You Drink A Protein Shake Before Bed?, https://casadesante.com/en-eu/blogs/protein-powder/should-you-drink-a-protein-shake-before-bed

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