Mastering Your Money: How to Gain Financial Control

financial control

Nowadays, is easy to feel out of control with personal finances. Especially with unexpected expenses, bills, and wish lists always filling up. However, the lack of financial control can lead to stress and other mental health issues. Therefore, this article will help you regain financial control through practical tips that lead to financial stability.

How to better manage your finances

Here are some steps that will help you regain financial control:

1. Get to know your budget

  • Is best to download a budget planner app.
  • List all sources of income.
  • List all fixed expenses.
  • Allocate spending budget for transportation, food, and other necessities.
  • Set a spending limit for going out.

2. Prioritise reducing debt

  • Pay your high interest debts first.
  • Try not to take more credit until you pay off the high interest ones.

3. Set up a savings account

  • Focus on accumulating the amount necessary for few months of living expenses on your savings account.
  • Is best to transfer funds into the savings account as soon as you receive your salary and/or other sources of income.

4. Avoid impulse buying

  • Acknowledge that we are marketed to very aggressively on social media. Is best to add an item on your wish list first, and later think carefully if you actually need that.
  • Differentiate needs and wants.

5. Plan ahead for major expenses

  • Put money aside in advance for significant expenses such as holiday, seasonal wardrobe upgrade, car maintenance etc.
  • This will help avoid unnecessary debt.

6. Regularly review your budget

  • Assess your financials at the end of each month, and adjust if necessary.
  • If you notice that you’re out of cash before your pay date, re-evaluate your expenses carefully and cut down on non-essential expenses.

7. Gain financial education

  • You can join online financial forums to learn from others.
  • Read financial news to stay informed.

8. Learn the basics of investing

  • In your free time, you can find on Youtube several videos which teach the basics of investing in stocks, mutual funds, ETF’s, and cryptos.
  • When you feel ready, start with minor investments, and expand your portfolio gradually.


Follow these steps to gain better control over your finances and build a strong foundation of financial knowledge. By reducing your financial stress, you can open many doors which head towards achieving your goal. Click here to find out how to set goals effectively and achieve optimal results.

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