Main Reasons You Procrastinate and How to Stop


Procrastination is a well known phenomenon, it can be defined as “frequent delay of things that one intends to do” (1). It is a habit which many of us struggle to break, mostly because of the consequences related to productivity and mental health. However, the more we procrastinate, the more difficult it becomes to get back on the track. Procrastination can decrease self confidence, because not completing your to do list can lead to self dissatisfaction and disappointment. This causes lack of motivation, low productivity, and further mental health issues. Read through our article to find out what causes procrastination and how to stop and become the best version of yourself!

1. Lack of knowledge required to complete a task

Without the necessary information and skills, individuals can struggle to understand how to complete a task, or fail to achieve the desired outcome. Moreover, the difficulty encountered during execution and the disappointment of not achieving the desired outcome can trigger procrastination. Sometimes we might not even notice that there is a knowledge gap, and assume that the task is just too difficult and takes too long to complete. Therefore, is important to consider the following tips:

  • Try to split the task in few steps, carefully analyse each and identify where you struggle the most.
  • Address the knowledge gap by doing a research, or ask more experienced individuals for advice (if you know any).
  • Once you get the necessary knowledge, notice how effectively the task has been completed, and the amount of confidence you gained.

2. Overthinking before starting a task

Overthinking before starting a task can cause a mental overload of planning and worries about potential challenges. This can consume your energy and decrease motivation by causing anxiety and stress. In fact, the more we think about what we have to do, the more difficult the execution seems. Take gym as an example, you might be relaxing at home and think that you have to go to gym and feel soo tired and that you don’t have energy for that. But the moment you step out of your house and are on the way to gym, your energy levels are increasing, and you start training so actively and actually enjoy it. If you overthink too much before starting a task, please consider the following tips:

  • Focus on taking action rather than contemplation.
  • If you notice that you overthink, try to think about the advantages of completing the task.
  • Whenever you feel that you don’t have energy to start execution, count to three and start doing it, you will notice how easy it actually is.
  • After completing the task, try to notice how it increases your mood, and remember the feeling next time you overthink before execution.

3: Distractions

Social media, notifications, external noises, and other external stimuli can reduce focus by diverting your attention from the necessary task. As a result you can delay working on the task and fall into procrastination because of the difficulty to re-engage with the task. Therefore, is very important to consider the following:

  • Set a specific timeframe dedicated to your task completion.
  • Click here to find out how to better organise your time and minimise distractions!

4. You don’t reward yourself after completion

Rewarding yourself after completing tasks can boost your mood, increase motivation, and lead to a sense of accomplishment. In longer term, it can improve your productivity by creating a positive feeling about completing your tasks, because you have something to look forward after completion. There are many ways you can reward yourself, such as:

  • If you have a favourite show, watch it only after you have completed your tasks.
  • You can also reward yourself with ordering food from your favourite restaurant, or having your favourite dessert.
  • Dedicate time to relax the way you enjoy most, such as a bath, meditation, or reading a book.
  • If you plan to purchase something you wished for a long time, do it after completing the task as a reward.


It is important to consider that overcoming procrastination depends on you solely. You are in charge of your own life and should not wait for the moment you will “feel like doing the right thing”, you will never feel like that if you don’t take action! Follow our tips, and let us know in the comment section how it helped you.

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