How to Reduce Sugar Intake: The Negative Effects of Sugar

sugar intake

People consume sugar on daily basis, because it can be found in the majority of products we consume. Sugar is not only included in sweet snacks, but also in flavory dishes and other unsuspected foods. For that reason, people can consume excessive amount of sugar, without even being aware. However, excessive amount of added sugar intake has been linked to several health conditions, and even emotional disorders. Therefore, is really important raise awareness towards the negative effects of added sugar, and limit the amount consumed.

The negative effects of added sugar intake

Added sugar refers to that added during food preparation and processing. It is not the same as natural sugar which is found in fruits.

1. Affects sex life in women

  • Sugar consumption in women leads to excess production of testosterone, which then reduces the SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin gene)(1).
  • This can further result in polycystic ovaries, infertility, and even uterine cancer (1).

2. Can cause mood disturbances

  • High sugar intake has been linked to anxiety and depression (2).
  • It can lower self-care behaviour and result in passive stress-coping behaviour (3).

3. Increases the risk of obesity

  • In particular artificially sweetened beverages have been linked to type 2 diabetes and obesity (4).
  • The consumption of sugar sweetened drinks for six months can increase liver fat, muscle fat, and visceral fat (5).

4. Can cause dental problems

  • Sugar intake can lead to dental caries (6).
  • It creates the perfect environment for harmful bacteria in the mouth.

How to reduce sugar intake

The recommended daily amount of sugar is no more than 25 grams for women, and 36 grams for men (7).

  1. Replace sugary drinks with water or unsweetened beverages.
  2. Read labels and check for ingredients such as cane sugar, fructose syrup, gave nectar, and corn syrup, these are all sugars.
  3. Replace sweets with fruits or unsweetened yogurt.
  4. Use natural honey instead of sugar.
  5. Opt for whole foods instead of processed foods.


There are several negative effects of excessive sugar intake which are not mentioned in this article. The pleasure we get from savouring sugary products is not worth the negative consequences it can lead to. Therefore, is really important to follow our tips and limit the amount of sugar intake.

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