How to Quit Smoking: Advice From an Ex Chain-Smoker

quit smoking

Everyone is aware of the negative side effects and health consequences of smoking. Yet, many people fall into that trap and struggle to quit. Quitting smoking can be very challenging, however it is one of the best decisions someone can make. This article shares practical advice and strategies from an ex-chain smoker who successfully quit smoking 5 years ago. The aim of this guide is to help you or your loved ones make this life-changing transition. 

Tips to quit smoking 

1. Gradually decrease the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day 

  • Allow one or two weeks preparation to quit smoking. 
  • If you are a chain smoker, set yourself a limit of 5 cigarettes per day for a few days. You can let yourself have one after breakfast, one after lunch, one after dinner, and one each when you really feel awful cravings. 
  • After few days reduce the number of cigarettes to 3 per day, then 2, and finally one a day until you finish the pack or feel ready to quit.
  • Every time you have the thought to give up on the idea of quitting smoking, remember all the risks and health consequences from smoking. Your body is your temple, you need to take good care of it. 

2. Consider alternatives 

  • If you really struggle with cravings for nicotine, DON’T buy cigarettes. Instead,  get a nicotine replacement product such as nicotine gums, pouches, or inhalers. 
  • You can find such products at pharmacies or supermarkets. 

3. Stay occupied 

  • The idea of smoking a cigarette often comes from boredom, when you have nothing else to do. 
  • Sport activities are best at distracting you from smoking. Not only because you are engaged in a distracting activity, but also because you can get shortness of breath and notice the damage caused by smoking. Day by day, you will notice improvements. 
  • Another great idea is to find a new hobby that you will truly enjoy. When your mind is concentrated on a specific task which is also enjoyable, it is unlikely to get cigarette cravings, or at least it’s easier to manage them. 
  • If you get cravings while relaxing at home, try actively exercising for a few minutes till you get that shortness of breath and increased heartbeat, you wouldn’t like to smoke after that. You can do any exercises, like pushups, squats, jumping, or running. 

4. Avoid triggers

  • It is best to avoid alcohol while you’re trying to quit smoking. Most people who try to quit smoking, are starting again when drinking alcohol, because that’s when you don’t care. 
  • If you are one of those people who enjoy smoking a cigarette with a coffee, is best to avoid coffee for a while. 

5. Find a relaxation technique which is best for you

  • Many people smoke when they get stressed or angry. But keep in mind that quitting smoking is already stressful and can cause anger issues. For that reason, is very important to be prepared with a relaxation technique. 
  • Deep breathing is the easiest and most known relaxation technique, yet most people forget about it. When you get angry, slowly breath in for 4 seconds, hold the breath for few seconds as you feel comfortable, and then slowly exhale for 8 seconds. Repeat for at least one minute until you feel more relaxed. 
  • You can try other relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation.

6. Talk to your friends 

  • If your friend are smokers, let them know that you are trying to quit, and kindly ask them not to call you out for a cigarette. 
  • If most of your friends are smoking when going out, try not to go out with them at least during the first week of your smokeless journey. 

7. Celebrate

  • At the end of each day that you didn’t smoke, praise yourself, be proud, this will have a positive impact on your mental health and motivation. 
  • At the end of every week that you didn’t smoke, reward yourself for that. Put aside the money that you would have spent on cigarettes, and spend them on something that will make you happy. This will increase your motivation. 

Improvements noticed after quitting smoking 

After one month

  • Improved smell sense: Started feeling the smell of flowers from distance. 
  • Improved taste: Reduced the salt intake, because food began tasting better without the need of extra salt. 

After six months

  • Improved cardio resistance: Running and working out doesn’t seem that challenging anymore. 
  • Improved lung function: No more coughing in the morning or at night (which I used to experience while smoking). No more shortness of breath while exercising. 

After one year

  • Better skin: The skin tone looks healthier and more radiant. The complexion improved, no more dry patches and no more dark spots (which I used to think are because of the sun exposure). 
  • Improved gut health: Reduced acid reflux which I used to get after smoking in the morning. However, to help the gut fully recover you can take probiotics. Click here to see which probiotics worked best for me. 


I have listed the most significant improvements which I noticed after quitting smoking. However, there are endless benefits for your body and mental health. It can also improve your confidence, because you will prove to yourself that you are strong. If you were able to quit smoking, you will easily overcome other life challenges. The first two weeks are the most difficult ones, after that it becomes easier. If you have strong desire to quit smoking, there’s nothing that can stop you! 

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