How To Organise Your Time When Working Remotely and Reduce Stress

Remote working, working remotely, set-up

Remote working can be very enjoyable and provide a lot of benefits if managing time effectively. However, if you constantly balance your job with other in-house activities it can become really difficult and less productive. Read through the article to find some tips to organise your time better!

1. Create a dedicated workspace

Credit: Unsplash – Carl Heyerdahl
  • It’s best to invest in a comfortable chair and tools necessary for your job.
  • Ideally, your place should be quiet and free from distractions. 

2. Create a to do list

Credit: Unsplash – Seawiew N.
  • Set up a regular office work schedule to recreate the feeling of a proper work day.
  • Prioritise your tasks by focusing on urgent and most important ones.

3. Limit distractions

Credit: Unsplash – Morgan Housel
  • Use “Do Not Disturb” mode on your phone to avoid being distracted by social media.
  • If you have any, explain to your housemates or family members that you are working from home and they should respect your routine.

4. Avoid multitasking

  • Multitasking can decrease productivity, therefore is best to focus on one task at a time.
  • Use time a tracking software and assign tasks to help you focus at one. This will also help you estimate how long similar tasks would take and organise better in the future.

5. Create end-of-work routine

  • Do something which helps you transition to your personal time.
  • You can clean your workspace and celebrate your accomplishments by doing something you enjoy. 

Mastering time organisation is crucial for success in nowadays fast-paced world of remote working. Use our tips to stay organised and reduce stress, but remember that consistency is key.

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