How to Maintain a Straight Back: Tips for a Better Posture

curved back

Nowadays, when most of us spend hours looking down at our phones, or working on computers, maintaining a straight back has become a true challenge. However, a bad posture in longer term can lead to back pain and other health problems. If you can relate, read through our article to find out practical tips to improve your posture, and the long term benefits of keeping your back straight. 

Tips to keep your back straight

1. Morning stretch

  • Allow at least 10 minutes in the morning to stretch your back.
  • Lay flat on your back on the floor hugging your knees, maintaining this position for at least 10 seconds. Repeat for a few times as you feel comfortable. 
  • While this can be enough, it’s always beneficial to find out on Youtube some other techniques recommended by professionals, which can better suit your needs.

2. Take regular breaks at work

  • If you are working at the computer, stand up and stretch regularly, walk around for a couple of minutes.

3. Be aware of your sitting posture

  • Make sure that your back is fully supported on your chair.
  • Avoid sitting with your legs crossed. 
  • Relax your shoulders. 

4. Stretch after work

  • When you get home, allow 10 minutes for stretching your back. 
  • You can do the same stretching technique as in the morning. 

5. Mind your posture while walking

  • If you curve your back because you are tired, it is best to sit for a rest before continuing walking. 
  • If you can’t keep your back straight because you feel unwell, is best to consult with a doctor as you might have other health issues. 

The benefits of maintaining a straight back

1. Confidence

  • A good posture can boost your confidence by influencing how you feel and how other people see you. 

2. Reduced pain

  • Maintaining a straight back can prevent back and neck pain by preventing strain in your muscles.

3. Better digestion

  • When your back is straight, your digestive organs function better by having less pressure. 

4. Improved respiratory function

  • Your lungs can expand fully when your back is straight, allowing more oxygen intake. 


People often think that a bad posture can’t be reversed. However, in most cases a bad posture is just a habit which you can break with consistent effort. If you follow our tips, you might achieve a straight back and maintain it lifelong. A good posture is a lifestyle choice!

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