How to be Present: The Importance of Here and Now

be present

Being present can enrich your personal and professional life by improving your wellbeing, learning abilities, and productivity. However, many of us get stuck in thoughts about past or future, and simply forget to enjoy the present moment. Focusing on the present moment is so significant because our life is here, now. Dive in to find out what are the benefits of being present, and learn how to stay present.

The main benefits of being present

Staying present can benefit several aspects of your life:

1. Wellbeing

  • Being present allows you to enjoy and fully experience life, leading to happiness. 
  • Focusing on the present moment helps reduce stress and anxiety, which is often associated with worrying about future or regretting the past. 

2. Emotional

  • Being present leads to understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours by enhancing self-awareness. 
  • It will help you respond to situations thoughtfully by better managing your emotions. 

3. Productivity

  • Staying present will help you concentrate better on the given task and avoid distractions.
  • This will improve your efficiency and performance. 

How to be present

Find some effective strategies:

1. Practice meditation

  • Dedicate at least few minutes every day to practice mindfulness meditation. 
  • The aim of mindfulness meditation is to just focus on the present moment. If you notice any thoughts let them pass and return your focus to the present moment. 
  • Focus on your breath, each part of your body, and your environment. 

2. Avoid multitasking

  • Give all your attention to a single task at a time (driving, talking, working, exercising). 
  • This will help you properly experience every moment of your life. 

3. Mindful walking

  • When you go for a walk, pay attention to your surroundings, notice every detail.
  • Notice each step that you take, and feel how your feet touch the ground. 
  • Bring awareness to different parts of your body as you walk. 

4. Reduce external distractions

  • Create an environment which will help you stay present.
  • Set specific times when you engage in certain activities on your devices, such as social media scrolling, checking your emails, or watching a movie. 

5. Read books

  • Read books which can help you enjoy the present moment. 
  • We recommend reading “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. Click here to see on Amazon!

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