How to Be Happy and Enjoy Your Life


In a world where distractions and stress dominate our daily lives, we often forget the simple practices which can lead to happiness. Hence, the “pursuit of happiness” remains a universal goal. However, true happiness is a skill which can be mastered. Read through our article to discover tips that will help you live your life to the fullest!

5 Essential tips that will help you feel happy

1. Be kind to yourself

Remember that having a supportive inner environment is the foundation of a happier life. It will help you learn from mistakes and pursue goals without fear.

  • Forgive yourself for past and present mistakes, you should understand that everyone makes mistakes, and forgiving yourself will help escape the negative emotions.
  • Stop negative self-talk, you should never criticise yourself and doubt your abilities because it can lead to anxiety and depression. Instead, you should focus on positive self-talk, praise yourself for every minor achievement, it will help you build a healthy relationship with your inner self.

2. Invest in new experiences

You might not be aware which activities can make you feel fulfilled.

  • This could be learning a new skill or finding a new hobby.
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone is essential to add excitement in your life.

3. Be active

Physical activity can boost the dopamine release, a brain chemical which makes you feel happier (1).

  • This does not necessarily mean that you should engage in an intense workout, you can start just by taking regular walks and doing some basic exercises at home.
  • If you can’t exercise while in your home environment, try joining a gym.
  • Start practicing yoga, is best to search on Youtube “yoga for beginners” and you will find amazing guides to start your practice. We recommend “Yoga with Adriene”, she has such an amazing vibe!

4. Connect with nature

Especially if living in a big city, we can forget about the sense of tranquility and peace provided by nature. The exposure to natural environments can promote well-being and have other health benefits.

  • You can start by going out in a park instead of a bar.
  • Go for a picnic by the river instead of a meal at a restaurant, especially during summer time.

5. Fake it until you make it

Many people have a wrong perception of the phrase “fake it until you make it”. It does not necessarily mean that you should fake being wealthy and living a luxurious life. But what it actually means is that you can fake happiness and joy until one day you will wake up feeling like that.

  • Try to smile more often, even if you don’t feel like it.
  • Every morning you wake up, repeat to yourself “how happy I am” instead of thinking about challenges you might face today.
  • Every time you get a negative thought or feel unhappy, convince yourself multiple times that you are so happy, you love life, you are grateful for everything that you have, and you enjoy every moment that you live!


It is important to understand that you should not wait for the day you will wake up happy and assume that from then on, you will live a happy life. Happiness comes from within yourself, is like a muscle, and you are the only one responsible for training that muscle. Please follow our tips, and the day you start feeling happy and truly enjoy your life, let us know in comment section!

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