How to Avoid Cakey Makeup: 5 Pro Tips to Consider

flawless makeup

A cakey makeup means that your foundation looks noticeable, unnatural, thick, and breaks up. It can accentuate your pores, fine lines, and other imperfections. A cakey makeup can be a result of too much product, dry skin, oily skin, unprepared skin, or improper layering. Therefore, we have some easy tips which you should follow to achieve a smooth, natural, and fresh makeup look.

Tips to avoid cakey makeup

1. Prepare your skin

  • Make sure that your skin is clean and moisturised. 
  • You can use a primer which matches your foundation. For example, if you are using a silicone based foundation, you should use a silicone based primer. 

2. Apply makeup in a correct order

  • Click here to find out the correct order of makeup application.
  • Following the correct order of application will improve the appearance of each product.

3. Give it time to absorb

  • You should wait few minutes in between applications, to ensure that the product dries up before moving to the next step. 
  • This will prevent patchiness and uneven application.

4. Do not apply too much product

  • It’s best to use a makeup sponge to blend and remove the excess product. 
  • For better results, you can use a damp sponge. 
  • Remember, less is more.

5. Use the right product for your skin type

  • In particular foundations and concealers, some are specifically designed for dry or oily skin. 
  • If you have dry skin, is best to avoid powder. 


To achieve a flawless makeup, you should make sure to prepare your skin properly, follow the correct order of application, opt for the products right for your skin, and build coverage gradually. However, sometimes cakey makeup can just be a result of poor quality products. If you follow our tips, and still get cakey makeup, try to switch to a different foundation or concealer.

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