Breaking Free: Overcoming the Fear of People’s Opinion

Break free

The fear of people’s opinion (FOPO) is the greatest predator of human potential (1). It can make us lose faith in ourselves, and trade authenticity for approval. Especially with the rise of social media, we began looking at ourselves through the eyes of others. FOPO became so widespread, that people feel forced to laugh when is not funny just to get approval. However, this can prevent us from creating the lives we desire, and lead to unhappiness. Therefore, is really important to stop worrying about people’s opinion and start pursuing our dreams.

How to stop worrying about people’s opinion

“An artist must never be a prisoner of himself, prisoner of a style, prisoner of a reputation, prisoner of success.” – Henri Matisse

1. Stop worrying about things you can’t control

  • When you try to control people’s opinion, you can lose control of your own life (2).
  • Acknowledge that you are the main character in your own story, and a secondary character in someone else’s story.

2. Stop negative thinking

  • When you get irrational thoughts about others not approving your actions, replace them with positive thoughts about how your actions benefit you.
  • If you fear failure, click here to find out some tips for overcoming it.

3. Focus on your values

  • Think about what is important for you, not for others.
  • When you know your values, the opinion of others doesn’t matter.

4. Build confidence

  • The lack of confidence can increase self-doubt.
  • Click here to find tips for improving self-confidence.

5. Be kind to yourself

  • Remember that it’s okay to make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, this is how we learn and grow.
  • Regularly remind yourself about your strengths.

6. Set your own goals

  • Don’t set goals to satisfy someone else’s dream, you might never achieve it if you don’t enjoy pursuing it.
  • Think about what you truly desire and what will motivate you to work hard every day.

7. Take action

  • Taking action regularly reduces the fear of judgement.
  • Focus on what you can control, your behaviour, and the steps that you take.


Overcoming FOPO takes time, consistency is key. Remember all the benefits you will get from overcoming this fear and take action everyday. You can make it!

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