Healthy Mind: Unconscious Habits That Can Slowly Erode Mental Health

Mental health

Nowadays, maintaining mental health is a top priority. Most of us are already familiar with self care practices, but we fail to notice the unconscious habits that can deteriorate our mental wellbeing. These already settled behaviours that we unnoticeably perform, can lead to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. This article explores the unconscious habits that can negatively impact mental health. Addressing these issues can lead to a healthier mind and happier self. 

Common habits that negatively impact mental health

Recognising and addressing the following habits is a step forward towards improving mental wellbeing.

Social comparison

  • In today’s world, social comparison is very common, mostly due to social media exposure.
  • Frequently comparing yourself to others can decrease your self-esteem and self-worth. 
  • Because you may feel that you’re not living up to perceived societal standards, you may become more susceptible to depression and anxiety. 
  • Focusing on what others have achieved can shade the recognition of your own accomplishments, leading to reduced life satisfaction. 
  • By focusing on others, you may fail to care for your own goals, leading to lack of personal growth. 

Assuming the worst-case scenario

  • Automatically assuming the worst outcome in any situation can prevent you from dealing with challenges and increase anxiety. 
  • Assuming the worst-case scenarios can lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, which triggers depression. 
  • Focusing on the negative outcome leads to poor choices, because it blocks the ability to think clearly. 

Negative self-talk

  • Being too harsh to yourself reinforces negative self-beliefs, which can undermine your confidence and hinder your ability to pursue your goals. 
  • In longer term, negative self talk can lead to social withdrawal because of heightened fear of rejection. Consequently, leading to anxiety and depression.


  • Delaying tasks can lead to stress and anxiety because of last minute rush.
  • Overtime procrastination can lead to poor sleep and increased risk of illness associated with stress. 
  • By procrastinating, you can miss deadlines and opportunities, which leads to feeling of inadequacy, guilt, and low self-worth. 
  • Click here to find out how to stop procrastinating.

Suppressing emotions

  • If you don’t acknowledge and process your emotions, it can lead to depression and anxiety. 
  • Ignoring your emotions can cause a state of stress, which leads to poor sleep, high blood pressure, and weakened immune system. 
  • Suppressing emotions leads to poor decision making, regret, and dissatisfaction, because your decisions won’t align with your true feelings or values. 
  • Individuals who ignore their emotions, can numb their feelings by developing unhealthy habits such as overeating or substance abuse. 

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