End-of-Summer Blues: How to Overcome it

end-of-summer blues

The end-of-summer blues is a relatively common experience. Many people feel a sense of sadness, mild depression, and nostalgia as summer comes to an end. As the season shifts, the people who experience changes in their routine such as students returning to school or people returning from vacation, tend to feel the sadness more. 

Factors contributing to end-of-summer blues

  • Back to school anxiety: For some students, the start of a new school year can be very anxious and stressful, contributing to the feeling of sadness when summer ends. 
  • Shift in activities: During summertime, many people engage in outdoor activities. Weather changes can disrupt such activities, some people may feel lonely and disconnected. 
  • End of vacation: The return to normal life after a vacation can bring a sense of loss and disappointment. 
  • Seasonal changes: Shorter days and cooler weather can influence serotonin levels which affect mood. 

How to overcome end-of-summer blues

Here are some strategies that might help:

Plan enjoyable activities for autumn

  • Prepare a list of activities that will help you look forward to autumn.
  • Embrace seasonal traditions, bake seasonal treats, and prepare for halloween.

Stay connected

  • End of summer does not mean that you should stop going out with friends.
  • Plan gatherings and maintain social interactions.

Stay engaged

  • Explore new seasonal hobbies or just improve skills in your current one.
  • Regularly exercise and walk outdoors to boost your mood and energy levels.

Set goals

  • The end of summer usually associates with the beginning of working on your goals.
  • Brainstorm about what will contribute to a sense of accomplishment at the end of the year, and set goals accordingly.
  • Click here to read our article about setting goals effectively.

Practice self-care

  • Ensure that you are getting enough rest by establishing a consistent sleep routine.
  • Allow time for relaxation, take a warm bath with essential oils or practice meditation, whatever helps you relax.
  • Switch your skincare routine to adapt to seasonal changes.
  • Incorporate a healthy diet.

Change your perception

  • Instead of viewing end of summer as the end of something positive, see it as the new beginning of new opportunities for growth, learning, and goal achievement.
  • Be grateful for the summer you experienced, and use it as motivation to work hard, improve yourself, and reach new heights.

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