What Makes People Charismatic: How to Develop Charisma


Charisma is assumed as the natural magnetism that some people possess effortlessly. It’s like a spark that makes conversations engaging and people memorable. But what exactly makes people charismatic? Are people just born with charisma or it can be developed? Dive in to find out what traits define charisma, and how to develop your own magnetism for personal and professional growth.

What makes people charismatic

Charisma is a complex trait involving interpersonal skills, behaviours, and attitudes that make people highly attractive. Here are some traits that can define charisma:


  • Charismatic people treat others with respect.
  • They consider different perspectives and are open to receiving feedback.
  • This builds trust and loyalty.

Optimism and enthusiasm

  • Charismatic individuals are radiating positive energy which can uplift others.
  • Their enthusiastic approach can be particularly persuasive and infectious.


  • Charismatic people believe in theirselves and their ideas, they are confident not arrogant.
  • The confidence is often noticed in the way they carry their selves, in their tone of voice, and body language. 

Body language

  • Charismatic people use gestures that reinforce their verbal communication, and maintain eye contact. 
  • These non-verbal cues signal approachability and contribute to charisma. 


  • Charismatic people can easily influence others, however that’s not about manipulation but rather about persuasion. 
  • Their persuasion comes from the ability to connect with people emotionally and logically. 

Sense of humour

  • A good sense of humour can contribute to charisma by easing tension and creating connection. 
  • Charismatic people use humour appropriately to make others feel comfortable and improve their mood.


  • Charismatic people are comfortable in their own skin and don’t try to be something they’re not.
  • People are attracted to those who are true to themselves and not afraid to show vulnerability.

Emotional intelligence

  • Charismatic individuals can understand how other people feel and respond appropriately.
  • They are able to read the emotions of others, manage their own emotions, and treat others with empathy.

Communication skills

  • Charismatic people know how to articulate their thoughts clearly by using relatable and engaging language.
  • They are great listeners, making others feel heard and understood.


  • Charismatic individuals are fully engaged and focused on the people around them.
  • They make others feel valued and respected by giving their full attention in conversations.

How to develop charisma

start and sparkles

While some people may naturally possess charismatic traits, it is also possible to learn and improve with practice. Here are some tips to develop charisma:

Embrace positivity

  • Smile more often, it will make you look more approachable while boosting your mood.
  • Practice gratitude, it will help you maintain a positive outlook.
  • Don’t dwell about problems but rather focus on potential solutions.

Build confidence

  • Challenge yourself to push your limits. Overcoming challenges will boost your confidence.
  • Practice positive self-talk, remind yourself of your strengths.
  • Practice confident body language, use open gestures, maintain eye contact, and stand tall. Besides making you appear confident, it will also make you feel more self-assured.
  • Click here to find tips to improve your self esteem.

Improve your sense of humour

  • Find your style and ensure that your humour doesn’t offend others.
  • Use humour in stressful situations to ease communication.

Be authentic

  • Don’t try to become a different person just to impress others.
  • People appreciate honesty, share your true thoughts and feelings.
  • Admit when you don’t know something and when you make mistakes, it will make you more relatable.

Build emotional intelligence

  • Learn relaxing techniques like deep breathing to maintain calm in stressful situations.
  • Reflect on your emotions and understand triggers. It will help you respond more effectively.
  • Consider the feelings of others and their perspective before responding.

Improve your communication skills

  • Listen actively to what others are saying without interrupting. Show that you are listening by asking follow-up questions.
  • Learn how to express your thoughts clearly, speak in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Incorporate stories in conversations to make it more engaging.
  • Avoid distractions like checking your phone when interacting with others. Enhance your ability to stay present.
  • Make others feel like they are the most important person in the room by fully engaging in conversations.

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