The Best Ways to Naturally Balance Dopamine Levels


Dopamine is a “feeling good” neurotransmitter which is involved in coordination, body movement, and cognitive functions. Insufficient levels of dopamine can disrupt the communication between the brain and musculoskeletal system which cause the tremor associated with Parkinson’s disease. However, excessive dopamine is linked to psychosis, that would explain why certain drugs which act on dopamine receptors can cause drug induced psychosis1.

Researchers suggest that when people lack dopamine, they are more likely to develop an addiction to gambling, food, shopping or drugs, because such actions affect the cycle of reward system through dopamine release, eventually leading to addictions2. Even though bad habits are usually linked to dopamine release, there are several healthy, good habits which can release and regulate dopamine levels. This article explores effective strategies to naturally balance dopamine levels, ensuring a healthier and happier life.

Physical activity

  • Regular exercising increases dopamine release.
  • Engaging regularly in physical activity enhances the density and sensitivity of dopamine receptors.
  • Exercising can help strengthen the connection between neurones, thus regulating the dopamine system.
  • Allow 30 minutes at least 3 times per week to exercise or stretch.


  • Protein rich foods act as a precursor to dopamine. Include in your diet foods like eggs, fish, beans, dairy, and nuts.
  • Probiotics (gut friendly bacteria) can produce dopamine. Take probiotic supplements or consume probiotic foods such as kefir, yogurt, or other fermented foods.
  • Saturated fats can disrupt dopamine signalling. Consume healthy fats instead, such as avocados, fish, and olive oil.
  • Antioxidants can protect the neurones responsible for dopamine production. Green vegetables, nuts, and berries are a great source of antioxidants.
  • Food supplements such as vitamin D, omega 3, and magnesium can help support dopamine production. However, it’s important to choose a high quality brand, which offers natural supplements.


  • Sunlight exposure stimulates the production of dopamine and vitamin D which helps synthesise the dopamine.
  • Stress can negatively impact dopamine production. Sunlight can help reduce stress levels.
  • Sunlight exposure can boost serotonin levels, balanced serotonin levels can help dopamine production.


sleep wake cycle
  • Getting between 7-9 hours of sleep can help maintain the sensitivity of dopamine receptors. Poor sleep can diminish dopamine signalling.
  • The neurotransmitter systems (including dopamine) are getting restored and balanced through a deep sleep cycle. Insufficient or inadequate sleep can disrupt dopamine production and release.
  • The circadian rhythm (body’s internal clock) is linked to dopamine regulation. Regular sleep patterns are essential to ensure balanced dopamine levels during the day.


  • Meditation enhances focus and attention, both are essential for dopamine signalling in the brain region associated with emotional regulation.
  • The feeling of relaxation associated with meditation contributes to a sense of reward and pleasure through the release of dopamine.
  • In longer term, regular meditation improves the brain ability to recognise itself (neuroplasticity), which contributes to regulation of dopamine pathways.

Hobbies and skill improvement

  • Each skill improvement is an achievement, each achievement triggers dopamine release. Continuous progress helps maintain balanced dopamine levels.
  • When engaging in enjoyable and fulfilling hobbies, we get a sense of satisfaction through dopamine release.
  • The brain responds to new experiences through releasing dopamine, hence by learning new skills and finding new hobbies we can help balance dopamine levels.

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  1. Augustus, J., Patrick, Y.W., Gardner, P.: Introduction To Mental Health In Paramedic Science. Open University Press, S.L. (2022) ↩︎
  2. Talib Kafaji: The Psychology Behind Wellness and Illness Why Do People Get Sick? Author Solutions (2020) ↩︎